Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Enough is Enough

Sometimes I don't even know how or where to begin to help. There are so many hurting people in the world, but where do we start? Genocide, AIDS, natural disasters, wars, human rights, lack of clean water, poverty, homelessness... this list can go on for days, but what good are we doing? Is anything being accomplished? Am I even doing anything to help? Am I doing enough? The thoughts can send even the most devout into a sea of doubt. So what do we do?

Take Darfur for instance, we've been hearing about the problems in Darfur for a couple years now. The Sudan Liberation Army/Movement (SLA) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) rebel groups have been fighting back against the Sudan government since February of 2003. They've won a couple of battles, but in response, the government begins arming the Arab Janjaweed militia to take out any civilians who support the rebels. Violence has raged since then - in 2004 and 2005 alone there have been a onslaught of fighting, even though there has been a heightened awareness of the conflict, including some 7,000+ African Union protection force soldiers. Divisions between the two rebel groups have only made things worse and have stunted any progress of negotiations. Hundreds of thousands have died and millions have been displaced, but only survive by external assistance. Things have gotten worse, not better, for this region. Our action is necessary and needed immediately.

I wish there was more that I could do. I'm only a student at small univeristy and an ocean away from everything that's going on. I can give money, I can pray, but I feel guilty because of the blessed life I've had. Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe I'm supposed to feel a sense of guilt, without it, maybe I would not be inspired to do anything. I want to be able to do something drastic, something large to benefit, not just Darfur, but all sorts of places in the world that need the help of those more fortunate. God will not let his beloved creation die like this, but it is up to us, it is up to the Church to act. If we continue to ignore the evil in the world, or if we continue to read about these atrocities and then sit and do nothing, then we are failing to bring the message of love and hope to the world God created. We know there is a better way. We are called, as followers of a eternally loving God, to be a monumental force for good in the world. If we do not act, then we fail to love the way that Jesus loved. And that, I think, is a disgrace.




Anonymous said...

"What if the army of the Lord picked up and dusted off their swords? Vowed to set the captives free, and not let satan have one more?
If we are the Body...why aren't His arms reaching? Why aren't His hands healing? Why aren't His words teaching? Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
What if the church, for heavans sake, finally stepped up to the plate...took a stand upon God's promise...and stormed hell's rusted gates?!"

Matt said...


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