Monday, January 29, 2007

if anyone comes thirsty to me...

The gospel is so offensive, how can you ever convince anyone to believe that what they believe isn't right?

As I reflect on this I am realizing it isn't solely my job to convince anyone, because God will redeem man, not me.

God pursues people, I suppose prayer is in order.



Anonymous said...

yup. all we can do is tell people gently and lovingly. sometimes i feel like it's all up to me to save the world and if i don't, then i am sinning and God won't love me anymore. i feel like beating people over the head when they can't understand simple truths and yet that shows just how little i really understand.

yes prayer IS in order and i wish i would remember to do it more often.
"What if His people prayed?!" ilove that song.


Kandace said...

i kno what u mean. sometimes u gotta realize taht you can't shove the gospel down their throats, and jsut do little things for them.