Thursday, November 09, 2006

heck yeah.

So listen, I'm in my 'Writing in the Professions' class right now. It's a joke, so I'd rather be writing in here than doing anything else.

Literally, I do absolutely nothing in this class and it's great. ... Ooops my prof. just walked by. Oh well. His name is Basil... amazing. We are supposed to be working on some sort of critique, but I don't think I care too much about that.

I love this class... and.... umm... bunnies.




Kandace said...

wow billy, that made me giggle.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! i love bunnies too!
no but seriously, i wish i had a class that i did nothing in. that would be awsome


by the way, a friend of mine just got a bunny recently and i just saw it tonight. no joke

Abigail said...

oh basil...

Mini Mac said...

You don't disturb the class when you're bored?? WHAT?!?! That's just amazing right there. You should get the Monty Python catapult (complete with the wooden bunny) and just play with that in class. :) That's always fun to do...

Anonymous said...

you're very good at completely confuddling me, mini mac


Anonymous said...

hey william.
i'll be in saginaw around the 28th.. till around new years. i'm still not sure where i'll be on new years eve.. probably gr.
anyway. we must get together. i'll buy you a drink.. or eight.
because you'll be 21.
or we could be high class and down a bottle of wine or two. i like reisling.. or a good red.