Tuesday, June 20, 2006

kyrie elaison is such a freaking great song

No but seriously, I love that song. It may have revolutionized my life. You can't help but be inspired when your ears hear the sweet melody. And by sweet I mean breathtaking, but by sweet I also mean like something you eat.

It's nearly 3 am everytime I post. That's because I am nocturnal. Or wait, I'm up during the day too. I basically find minimal amounts of time to sleep because well, it's just a waste of my time.

I think everyone should play more board games. Scattegories? Sequence? Scotland Yard?!! and umm.. Mancala? No, I take that last one back.

Wednesday night, Wednesday night. I need to maybe change my strings before then. They've been neglected and I feel horrible.

Also, does anybody love the music from megaman 2 on nintendo as much as I do?

I looked through a good deal of my old livejournal entries from probably 3 -4 years ago in high school. I don't seem the same as I was then, but there are lot of things that make me think I'm still like that boy from back then.

I'm going to be useless for awhile longer before I retreat under the covers.



Gabriela Gibson said...

look, man, flava-flavs television show was awful. all 3 of them. and i just so happen to Be allergic to country music. and maybe im not like a "vampire"-vampire, but i did drink blood once (and i might say, i did feel like it had restored my whole life...not that im like already dead or anything...or hate garlic or anything...)

kears is right though - that werewolf really was just a hairy man.

who ate other people in the eerie radience of the full moon.

alicia said...

kyrie elaison sounds so familiar....like i've sung it somewhere. can it be sung?

oh i dont know. billy. you are silly. maybe someday i'll tell you why.