Tuesday, August 29, 2006

jesus camp

Watch the trailer...

...and discuss.

I'm not even sure what to make of this.


Monday, August 28, 2006

no, but seriously, school isn't that great...

I'm an upperclassmen again.

2 years left of college... wonderful.

Here look at this:


Friday, August 04, 2006

be more ready now... because the future is fast approaching

Entrance Music: Ryan Adams - Love is Hell (the entire album)

I haven't devoted anytime lately to sit down and write. Or to think for that matter. I'm feeling up for it so I'm not going to waste this opportunity.

Maybe it's the time of year. Maybe my life is picking up. Maybe I've been around too many things that remind me that my future is fast approaching. Or maybe it's just that I'm growing up a little quicker than I prepared for. In any event there has been a thick sense of "oh no what am I going to do in the next few years that will define my life?!" in the air. And it's consumed most of my thoughts.

Bryan's wedding weekend sparked dozens of great discussions, mostly centered around our futures. And to be honest I really enjoy talking about what's in store because I feel like there is so much to look forward to in each of our lives. One particular conversation with Robbie, Troy, and Nathan was completely fantastic. In round robin style we each laid out what we wanted to do in the next few years and on. How amazing it is that God plants something completely unique in each of our heads and hearts. Each story compliments the next.

What is in store for me?

Here's what I've come up with so far...

The next 2 years:
I started out school at Grand Valley, but now I'm back in Saginaw. I'm completely cool with that. Things worked out here. I'm interning at church, working for my parents, and have an outlet to be writing and writing worship, and gaining invaluable training and experience as a worship leader. I don't plan on leaving for the next two years. I will finish school at SVSU with a degree in Political Science. Hopefully with a few life changing experiences along the way...

My parents introduced me to the Washington Semester program. If I participate I'll spend a semester interning with an organization in DC as well as spending a few weeks abroad focusing on whatever program I choose to involve myself with. In all honesty I've been a bit more skeptical intially than I should have been, but this really looks like a cool opportunity and I have lots of voices in my life telling me to go. As with all things there are a lot of considerations to be taken into account. I'd have to take a step back from interning for one semester either this winter or next fall. It would be a huge loss to leave that behind. Not even so much the internship as the relationships with the students. But again, when am I going to be able to do something like this again in my life? There is so much to think about. Please pray for me that I would seek to follow God in wherever He leads.

2 years and so on:
Hopefully in two years I'll be a true Political Scientist backed up by my bachelors degree. From there the aim is seminary. I have three options. Grand Rapids Theological Seminary (which Troys calls "Grrrrts"), Deniver Seminary, and Fuller Theological Seminary. My desire is that I'll be out of state, but I'm certainly not against living in Grand Rapids again. I mean come on, Mars Hill is in Grand Rapids. There are a ton more seminaries, but these three are most appealing to me.

If I end up in Denver I'll fall into community at the onset. Bryan and Anna are already there. Steve and Jodi are making their way there this winter. Denver Seminary is a solid institution and I've heard only good things from anyone I've talked with. Not a bad choice.

But if things go as I'm hoping they will, I'll find myself in Pasadena, California at Fuller Theological Seminary. I have had this sense of adventure burning in me for a while now and I would absolutely love to spend a couple years (maybe more) on the west coast. It wouldn't be a walk in the park financially that's for sure, but it's a task I'm hoping to tackle. Most importantly there is a program that almost seems too perfect for my interests and leanings. I would pursue a Master of Arts in Theology with a concentration in Theology and the Arts. Which means I'd be taking classes like: Theology and Culture, Theology, Pop Culture, and the Emerging Church, Theolgy of CS Lewis, Viewing Film: Philosophical and Theological Considerations, and Worship and the Performing Arts. I literally get chills just thinking about how thrilling it would be. My heart is set on Fuller, but again it's in the Lord's hands. (Fuller... Fuller... pleaaaaase!)

And so on.. and so forth:
I don't even know where I'll end up after my run with seminary is up. I'm open to any place. Be it Michigan or California or Denver or .. Montana? Anywhere. Working in a church or teaching at the college level would be my final aim. Oh and of course a family, but that's a whole other discussion I suppose.

If you've made it this far I want to first congratulate you for sticking to your guns and finishing this novel as it's turned out to be. Mostly, I just want to let you know how much I appreciate your interest in my life. How insignificant I am in the history of mankind and I consider it a blessing that you have even the slightest concern for what I'm doing. I value our frienship immensely.

So please pray. Pray for me. Pray that God would reveal in His time and with His perfect love. Pray for others in my situation. Pray for my friends and my family as they go through all of this with me. Pray to praise God for the work He's already done in my life and in the lives of everyone around us. Pray that He will "create in me a heart that beats for Him".

I love you all very much (even when I don't show it all the time like you all deserve).


Exit Music: Ryan Adams - Jacksonville City Nights (With The Cardinals) (the entire album)