Thursday, April 27, 2006


I wrote a ten page paper in less than one day.

And it's freakin' good.

How 'bout that?!

I'm quite sleepy now.



Monday, April 03, 2006


I've been busy. I've neglected writing for far too long. For that, I'm sorry.

I do not have a focus in my writing tonight, but maybe that's because I feel like I've been stretched in about a million directions over the past month or so. My thoughts are so scattered and my post will look like much of that same. And with that let's begin...

I've been writing a lot of music and words lately. God is continually enstilling confidence in me to keep writing. And I've thought about this a lot lately and I would like to become a hymn writer. That is not a profession. I know. But that's what I'd like to be used by God for. (He'll direct my life and I'll be happy where I am. No matter where that is. Still...) I'm so fascinated by hymns. I've been trying to teach them to our student ministries at Hopevale and I think I'm just to nerdy for them. My heart is that they would understand how important these words are. The fact that someone hundreds of years ago in a completely different context could write these words and have them sung for generations is incredible. I'm certain they were not writing for the purpose of putting out an album. So what did they write for? Not for others. Not for a hit worship song. They wrote out of devotion and pure worship to the Lord God. And yet, they probably had no idea that their words would touch my heart in 2006. What a priviledge it would be that someone might view my words as something of value. I just want to follow God where he leads and hopefully offer words of praise.

My political science class is so good. Holy cow. I am so challenged and I love it. First of all my professor is a genius. Second, he's just a good guy. Last week we discussed Westboro Baptist Church. Westboro believes that God hates America. Some of them are the ones you see on television protesting homosexuality at military funerals. The same people who cry that God is love and desire to preach the gospel are picketing with signs that read "God hates fags. Fags doom nations. Repent or perish." If you want to see how awful it's become go here.. or . I warn you though, it will leave you feeling dejected and sad.

At first when I heard about this church I did some research of my own and my initial reaction was to be angry at these people, but after awhile I just felt this immense sadness. How did Christ's message become so distorted? When did it become a good idea in someone's head to opress others in the name of a just but still loving, gracious God. Now, I certainly do believe that God is just and he is the ultimate judge, but where we fail in our sins (i.e. homosexuality, deceit, sexual immorality, pride, etc.) we are showered with grace through God's sacrifice in Jesus Christ. We are sinners. I am a sinner. We are forgiven. I am forgiven. The fact is that Christ died for the sins of every person. Including these people (the picketers) who have somehow lost Christ's message. His life was entirely a testiment of love.

God is a judge.
More than that he's a compassionate, caring, healing, graceful God who can wash away any condemnation we have, through his son Christ.

We cannot forget that. And the fact that some have is so disheartening.

My hope is that God's love is so overpowering that we are filled to the brim and it pours out on to everyone we interact with.

God is love.
